Hello everybodyToday I want to share with you bad cat behaviours and how to fix them. :) Animals are our companions and they "want to" do what we want.The question is 'are we telling them correctly what we want?','are we communicating with them properly'?
Lets give an example your cat making `meooow meoooow` at 5 am.It wants food and what you are making ? Are you giving food to your cat? with other saying 'are you giving reward to this behavior?`
If you are giving what it wants you telling your cat 'You keep doing this I understand'...
So today we will see what bad behaviours our cats have and are we causing these?How we can communicate better with our cats?
1.'MEOW' for get what it wants...
Your cat crying till it gets what it wants...It wants to play,it wants food,it wants to go out...And it keep meowing till you do what your cat wants.
If you react positively to this behavior.... Not a surprise your cat will keep doing it..Worse , it will do it more and more.Because you teached it how to communicate with you with this way.So it learned how to tell you what it wants and keep telling you till you do it.It can be really disturbing. While you working your little friend will come and none stop crying for get what it wants...
What you can do about this? You should not respond to this act.Let it 'meow'.When it stops and relaxes you can reward this. For example.It wants food and crying none stop.Let it cry. When it stops crying you can go and give food.With this way your cat will learn crying not working but sitting quality is working. Your little cat may develop new ways to tell you what it needs/wants. For example my cat sitting next to food bowl and waiting. :) So show your cat with which way you want it to communicate with you.It will learn.Cats are smart. :)
If its not work... When my cat didn't stop crying and being spoiled I closed him to room for 5 minutes.When he got out he got the message. :) Never act with anger,don't shout to your cat.Be calm and do what you have to do.
2.Behaving bad for attention
If your cat wants attention while you are busy...Your cat may do things that you won't like for getting your attention on itself.For example scratching around or something it knows you don't approve. :)
What you can do about this?
It is very important not become angry in these situations.If your little kitty knows you becoming angry it can use it in the future too.Let him stop what it doing and don't show attention right after it. Wait it relax and behave how you want to.After you can give him attention so he will learn how to ask for attention.
Everybody have their own house rules. Your children,you,your husband / wife, mother, father whoever living in the house obey these common rules.Your cat must too! No matter how cute it is :D For example it shouldn't do its toilet middle of living room, it shouldn't eat from table...:) You should teach these to your cat with correcting the bad behavior with kindness.In short time your cat will learn all the rules.Also don't forget if your cat is an adult it can learn and change its behaviours too.
You don't have to find a kitten for teach it things. :)
Have nice life with your lovely cats :))
3.Stealing Food
You shouldn't let your cat eat the stolen food.You shouldn't let him jump on table or anywhere you eat or prepare food. You can always give him from your food.With your permission :)4.Rules
Everybody have their own house rules. Your children,you,your husband / wife, mother, father whoever living in the house obey these common rules.Your cat must too! No matter how cute it is :D For example it shouldn't do its toilet middle of living room, it shouldn't eat from table...:) You should teach these to your cat with correcting the bad behavior with kindness.In short time your cat will learn all the rules.Also don't forget if your cat is an adult it can learn and change its behaviours too.
You don't have to find a kitten for teach it things. :)
Have nice life with your lovely cats :))