Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Beginner's Guide For Cat Owner


Hello everyone;
If you decided to have a cat in your house or if you have one recently and you are not experianced tips below will be helpfull for you and your cat.

What You Will Need

food bowl
    cat toy
Food and water bowl : Stainless steel or ceramic bowls are good for your cat also healthier than plastic bowls.You should keep bowls clean also don't forget to change your cat's water once a day.You can buy food bowls from pet shops,internet,local markets.There are many varierities of bowls.

Grooming Tool: Especially when your cat molting you may need a soft grooming tool.Cats mostly clean theirselves,they will like little assistence.I advice you groom your cat under sun, My cat like it twice more when I groom him under sun :) You can buy comb for cats from markets,pet shops and from internet.If you want something more effective try buying one from veterinary.

Litter Box: Your cat has a toilet need too. :) Dont forget to keep it always clean. 

Scratching Post : Do you want to keep your furniture safe? :) Start educating your cat with scraching post.Scratching is cats' basic need.

Transportation Box: If you think you will not need take your cat out of house think again :) At least yo will have to go veterinary with your cat.So buying a safe nice cat box will be helpful.

cat toyToys:Your cat needs play games.You can get help from cat toys.Toys and playing game is important for cat to exercising,stimulating enviroment also an opportunity for hunting. A healthy cat needs to play.There are diffrent types of cat toys you can buy from markets,pet shops and via internet.You can make DIY cat toys too. (look at video for how to) Dont forget young cats need more time for playing games than adult and elder cats.Tips about playing with your cat and detailed cat toy article coming soon :))

cat treat

cat food

Cat Treats: Cats love these small treats more than food :)) You  can use these as rewards or just a happy moment for your cat and yourself. Be careful about not to give more than 10 treats in day. :)) 

Cat Food:Choosing a right food for your cat important.Low quality foods are not good for cats. You can ask advice to your veterinary for which food you can buy for your cat. And dont forget not to change brand very often.I recommend sometimes giving normal food to your cat (what you eat).

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